What I learned from chapter 9 & 10

 Hello, and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be discussing what I learned from chapters 9 and 10 in "Social Media for Strategic Communication". 

Chapter 9 focused on understanding how to make perfect content and the differences between content creation and content curation. There are several reasons to create content on social media.

1. To have strong brand awareness 

2. To gain respect and reputation in the industry as a trusted resource

3. Ties into the search engine optimization capabilities 

4. Provides assets to a social media campaign 

Alignment of your content is one of the most important goals to create awesome content. In order to create great content, it must be relevant, personal, evergreen, engaging, and targeted to a specific audience. In order to create an alignment in your content, you should conduct a content audit to assess assets and focus on the content strategy. 

Another interesting fact about chapter 9 was how to come up with a big idea. In order to do this, you must look at what is outside of the social media industry, see what research is saying, set up brainstorming sessions, and note the reasons why people like or don't like your content. 

Chapter 10 was all about how to budget, measure, and evaluate your social media initiative or role. Measurement and evaluation are important because without them you can't show the impact so future campaigns and resources will not be attributed to social media. 

Another interesting thing I learned was AMEC, which is The International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication. They have their own framework for key areas that need to be covered in social media which are

1. Outtakes

2. Outcomes

3. Outputs

4. Impact  


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