Summer at ONU 2021

 Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! I wanted to make this blog about working for the paint crew at Northern. I have worked for the paint crew for three summers. Our job mainly consists of painting and fixing dorms, academic buildings, and other areas. It is pretty simple but also a lot of fun. When I first started the job I had one of my best friends from high school, Jacob. We went into college together and we went into our first college job together. It was easy having a familiar person with me but I still wanted to make more friends. That summer was one of the best I have had. The paint crew gave me so many amazing experiences like getting an in-depth tour of the campus before anyone else!  I also got to see the dorms and hope that I could get the one I wanted (even though they pretty much all look the same). We even celebrated the end of the summer with a pizza party. 

Each year that I came back to work for the paint crew was an amazing summer. I got to experience what it was like to live on campus during the summer. I had my own apartment without a roommate! I even gained new friends that I still talk to every day. This summer it is not the same not doing paint crew. I miss being able to discover new places on campus and spending quality time with ONU students I have never met. It was always great to see the people I worked with during the school year. However, I am extremely thankful for the opportunity I received from Northern to work for the paint crew. I certainly will miss it. 


  1. Hi Paige, paint crew sounds like an absolute blast! I have friends that have worked at paint crew in the past summers and they seemed to really enjoy it. Some of my friends are still working there this summer and they seem to be having a ton of fun! I have had the same summer job for the past 5 years so I have never looked into getting another one, but if I did, paint crew would definitely be the job I applied for. It would have been great to make more friendships at ONU and I feel like this would be the way to do it!

  2. Paint crew sounds fun! Whenever we get emails about summer jobs I never think twice about them but maybe I will look into it sometime. I love that you and your best friend were able to do everything together. I know I would do the same thing if my bestie went to Northern. I'm glad you are enjoying summer so far!

  3. Your paint crew experiences remind me of my casting for Epsorts events. This past year I casted many different games and I did a podcast for the Esports program. While I did that I got to meet people and form relationship with people I other wise would not have met. I get a similar experience when I do work week and ACE Day. You get to meet so many new people and build friendships with random people.

  4. Personally, I could never do the paint crew so kudos to you for not only doing it, but enjoying it! I have a friend who worked paint crew last summer for ONU, I'm curious if you know her. I know she did not enjoy her time with the crew because as she said "the high schoolers were ridiculous." Can't blame her for the obnoxious behavior she described. I really wish that we were allowed to paint the walls in our rooms and not get charged paint fees. I would love to make a full on mural on my wall! Wouldn't that be cool?


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