Podcast 1: Social Media & Mental Health

 Introducing the first episode of my podcast titled Social Media and Mental Health. In the podcast I talk about some of the issues with social media and how it is impacting our mental health and lives. 

Today’s Podcast question is what are the things that we can start doing to help those struggling with mental health problems that develop from using social media? 

Link to podcast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ocg2EozrlHvXDP5bE8A4ISiZK92DrHx6/view?usp=drivesdk

RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogginwithpaige


  1. Hi Paige! I also believe mental health is so important and I don't think people take the time to focus on it enough. Thank you for talking about this and we should do more as a community to help our friends and family struggling with mental health. Even if they aren't close to us, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be willing to reach out to them to see if they are okay!


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