Life at ONU during the summer

 ONU has always been full of hard work, amazing people, and a lot of fun. During the school semester, the campus is buzzing and everyone seems to have something to do. However, if you have ever been to campus during the summertime, it is quiet and peaceful. During the school year, I've always been busy with my school work, spending time with my college buddies, and planning my career. It is easy to not notice how beautiful our campus is. The summertime allows you to see just how wonderful ONU's campus is. I've really enjoyed walks on the green mile and picnics on the tundra without any other distractions. I love nature and photography, and ONU during the summer offers so many opportunities for beautiful pictures.

 Although the summer is mostly for having fun, I started summer classes to finish my degree and graduate in August. It has been a long journey of undergrad but I am super excited to earn my degree. I've taken really interesting classes over the years, but this semester seems to be the most intriguing. This is partly because I finished the requirements for my degree and was able to choose classes I was genuinely excited to be in. I hope to do well and even make a few friends along the way. So far I've had a great summer, even though it has only just begun. I've gone on bike rides, shared ice cream with friends, and even fed the ducks. I am looking forward to more summer days to come, and with that, even more blogs!


  1. Hi! The pictures you included are beautiful! I just finished my first year at ONU so I got to see campus in all its beauty. Honestly, the campus is one of the reasons I chose this school. One of my favorite things is how pretty the sunset is almost every night. Here at home I usually only see the sunset every once in a while and sometimes the sky will change colors, but in Ada it does it all the time. It never gets old. I haven't explored campus during the summer so it looks like I will have to do that soon! I am looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  2. I can kind of relate to being on campus when there is not a lot of people. My freshmen year went on the Habitat for Humanity spring trip and I had to stay on campus while everyone left for spring break. Also, at the beginning of this past school year I moved onto campus early since I was a peer mentor in the engineering college. Honestly ONU is kind of eerie when you are walking around in the middle of the day and there is no one else on campus. I guess that is because I'm used to seeing it full of people on the tundra. That's cool you got to take some sick pictures of the campus and congrats and being so close to graduating.

  3. Hi Paige! I have one year left here at ONU and I have realized how much this campus truly has to offer. I also love Photography and the pictures that you included were spectacular! I grew up 10 minutes away from here and I used to visit all the time as a kid. Ever since coming here I have tried to get the full experience on campus. Walking through campus is so peaceful, especially during the summer because it feels like your own world. I do enjoy the fall and spring semesters but the summer is a much more relaxing and not as stressful time!


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