How do I become the content master?

This will be my final blog this week and today I will be talking about the tips and tricks that I found most interesting from the first 8 chapters of The Art of Social Media. The first thing that I found interesting was picking a "neutral" screen name. This is because my first ever screen name was Pizzalover1216. I used that username for everything. Now that I look back that probably wasn't the best choice because it is not at all professional and a lot of people may find it childish. However, I did come up with it when I was a child and I do love pizza haha. I do regret not choosing something like Paige.Hopson because that would've been way more neutral and professional. 

The next thing that I found interesting was how hard it can be to keep up with your content and making sure that it is new and exciting and not boring. It can be really difficult to put out original content more than once a week. It allowed me to start thinking about all of my favorite creators and influencers. Some of them post as much as three times a week. I give them huge props because that takes a lot of creativity adopting ideas as well as, editing posts or videos and uploading them. 

Another interesting thing that I found while reading was that there is a certain schedule that you must follow so you can optimize the number of clicks you get on your posts. I have never been that organized on social media and never gave much thought to when I was posting and how often. It is interesting to me that you can get more followers depending on when you post and if you have a schedule. 

Lastly, It was intriguing to read about how people gain more followers. It seems like it boils down to what you are sharing. It is important to have interesting and creative posts. For me, It is difficult to think of creative posts. Again, I give major props to influencers who post three times per week with amazing and creative ideas. It takes a lot of work to keep up with the social media scene and trends. 

-Paige Hopson


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